All of the yummy treats from yesterday disappeared. Those slices of sweet potato were great...too great.
Henry's sweet-potato chips were out and cooling on racks. Each time anyone wandered through the kitchen they snagged a couple. Since there were a fair number of wandering humans, Henry's chips did not last too long.

Henry was not pleased. He only got four. He knows who ate his treats and from this point on, he will not willingly share his kibble with any of his human friends. So there! (It will not be mentioned that his kibble is of limited interest to humans.) I am not even going to bring up the thievery to the neighbor pit bull, Sheldon. I don't want to irritate that sweet boy!
So today I am working on another puppy treat. This time it is frozen pumpkin-yogurt pops. Henry loves pumpkin and yogurt - and apple, so I chopped one up and added it to the mix as an apology.
Frozen Pumpkin-Yogurt Pops for Pups:
1 16 oz. can of pumpkin - not pumpkin pie filling
(a cooking pumpkin works in place of, of course)
1 32 oz. carton plain yogurt (I use the low-fat or non-fat yogurt)
Mix the two ingredients together and pour the mixture into cupcake papers or ice cube trays and freeze them. Henry is a 17 pound pup, so his treats are in ice-cube trays.
When frozen, I'll try one out on Henry and promptly be forgiven for the slip-up with the sweet-potato chip distribution.
LATER: It is now officially a Henry approved treat. Finger licking good!