Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Almost Thanksgiving

What the heck does little Henry have to be thankful for?  Plenty.  He is a lucky dog.  Here are his current top four:

1.  Humans admire his funny face and great personality. Of course they do.  There is nothing like bright eyes and a wagging tail.  Even the lawn guys and mail carrier like Henry. 

2.  He gets to sprawl on the furniture when he beats us to it.  And unlike Greg and Sue, he can get away with coming in with dirty paws.

3.  Henry can make his human's jump up and rush to the door just by standing by it looking thoughtful. It does not matter what they are doing.  It's hilarious!  The humans have apparently forgotten that he hasn't had an accident in well over a week.

4.  His #1 human slave made turkey for his treats last week and is going to make another one tomorrow - which is fine with Henry.  You cannot have too much of a good training treat.  Henry is hoping there is another frozen one in the freezer for later and then Christmas is coming up too!

Life is good.


  1. Henry has done a great job in his training. He has you just where he wants you. That's his job! He is a cutie.

  2. Billy says:

    mmmmmmmm, turkey!!!! (insert large amounts of slobber here)

  3. Hey, we're still waiting for your homemade apple pie!! Where is it????

  4. You should have gotten it on your phone. Please don't tell me that the same kidnappers who have the wrestlers have that slice of pie!
