Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Travel Trailer: part II

On the "Henry, Sue and a fiberglass eggshell travel trailer" theme, I had to post this video.  I found it in my search for the perfect travel trailer and thought you might like to laugh with me.

Sadly enough, this does  represent my thoughts on pulling the popular 16 foot as opposed to the little 13 foot travel trailer for which I'm searching.

My pup Henry, naturally, just rolled his eyes and thought it looked like a good adventure to him.  And I guess that is true.

On the travel trailer search, what Henry fails to understand is that it is really rare to find a 13 foot with a real toilet and shower as opposed to a porta-potty and a sponge bath.  Heck he doesn't care as long as he has a bush.

I've been convinced that the 1,000 + mile trip to the far side of Texas to check out a trailer is probably not my best choice.  Things can look deceptively good on-line. There has got to be one closer.  Anywhere in the Western United States you guys.  Help me!!


  1. Looks good. You should get the would certainly solve traffic problems.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. I could seal the bottom and land in lakes - that would solve the sad landing problems with a splash and bath!
