The cats, Otto and Vivika Heino decided that the allergy free phony
tree was an exciting climb - amazing how much destruction they can do in
so little time! I attempted the time tested - cats hate it, crumpled
sheets of aluminum foil solution. It might have worked for Otto and
Vivika, but we will never know. Henry thought the foil was the best
thing in the world. We will still be finding the scattered shredded
bits long after the New Year.
So, we purchased a noble
pine. So far it remains noble. Henry has not piddled at its base. The
cats are interested but they can't figure out how to navigate the dense
mesh of branches. We will see how that goes when we have lights and
decorations in place.
Henry has discovered water in the tree holder and that access needs to be blocked. I don't know what they give the
trees to keep them semi-fresh but I suspect it might be aspirin and that
is toxic for pups.
Puppy proofing the house continues
to be an unexpectedly complex challenge. Henry loves to chew -- cords,
shoes, leashes, collars, branches, water bottles, aluminum sheets,
brushes and combs -- anything within reach that he can fit in his
mouth. And once it is in his mouth, it is his and retrieval is a
"catch-me-if-you-can" game. Yes! After we really master "come" the
thing is "drop-it".
Following a truly scary bolt
through the
gate and into the street during rush hour on Monday, "come" takes
precedence over everything else. I thought I was going to lose my boy.
Happily the cars
swishing by managed to miss him, if just barely. The neighbor across
the street stopped traffic one way as I stopped it in the other
direction. It took Greg coming out with treats to finally capture
Henry. We collected quite a line of disgruntled home-bound workers.
We are going through a lot of yummy treat with the
"come" command.
I'm putting evil temptations in his path - allowing him in areas
normally off limits -- and it is working - sometimes. I find the
sound of the container rattling gets his attention more rapidly than the
command itself.